Meditation on Seashore |
is an ancient process of mental exercise aiming to oneself attention and
awareness throughout negative thought and feelings that are disturbing or
upsetting one’s attention.
the meditation was done by the monk in the monastery, or by the thinker in a
silent place in the forest, cave, or at any other noiseless place long way from
the locality, or noiseless corner of their home. They did it to solve their
problems, a try to connect with heaven for the welfare of themselves or the salvation of the general people.
The benefits of meditation
- Meditation helps us to through our attention to a specific point. So we can think over it again and again and can solve it easily. While we are in meditation for a long time we can break a big into much smaller ones, and then we can solve them one by one easily and in a shorter time.
- It reduces our stress and make us cheerful.
- Meditation helps our body to become calm and cool, thus help us to control rage and keep our body, health, and mind sound.
- Meditation helps to control blood pressur4e.
- When you will be able to control your mind and soul by practicing meditation, you will be able to face negative thoughts that you may face, when you are in society, family, or with friends. This will help to stay calm in every good or adverse situation and face them boldly.
- Help removing sleeping problem
- Meditation is open to all boys, old, or older.
- Students can be benefited from meditation, as it will sharpen their brain to accept any knowledge easily by drawing their attention and focus point.
- You can think of meditation as a problem solver.
But all of it will depend on how minutely and trustfully you are performing the holly Meditation.
A simple way to perform Meditation
Find out a suitable, peaceful, and noiseless place anywhere at home, or outside. Sit normal meditation mood or any position you feel better, keep left had on the right hand or as you like. Concentrate your mind and focus your mind, all feelings, and thoughts on the central point of your mid of temples, just above your nose where the left and right eyebrows meet with left and right of nostrils. Now close your two eyelids slightly, not heavily. Think you are feeling cool to cooler. Now count with no sound number 19 (Nineteen) and start to inhale of air through your two nostrils unto your full belly, and then count with no sound number 18 (Eighteen) and exhale the air out of your belly taking a bit a longer time than inhale. Think you are in the alpha stage and going ahead to reach the inner of your soul. Now countdown to number 17 without sound at the time of inhaling; similarly count 16 at the time of exhaling, taking a long time this time, without sound this time also.
Repeat the similar process at every step while counting down 15, 14, 13,....... to 0 step (zero-step). When you reach zero (0), think that you have reached the innermost of your soul, and you are icy-cold now. You have now reached to the level of meditation where any feel him blank of all thoughts and miseries. Now you can stay sitting where you are now and think about your past and present agonies and faults, start formatting a future plan to mend all of your shortcoming, faults, and wrongdoings of the past, or start praying to the Almighty for salvation, heavenly help for any success, wrongdoing, for your family, or if you are sick, focusing all your concentration on the limb, parts of the body praying to the almighty and hoping with your belief and trust that the Almighty has granted your prayer and savage you, cure you.
This is what I’m following now. But there are many processes, methods of Meditation meant for performing many purposes in online marketing. Different meditation methods are for different benefits, you can choose as per your requirements for greater utilities, uses, and benefits. There are two kinds of meditation, one is Guided (someone guides you to meditation, and Unguided (you can learn meditation from books, disk, or from the Internet Marketing website).
Types of meditation
- Loving and kindness mediation (Meditations that Hs the a goal to cultivate love and kindness among the people}
- Mindfulness meditation (Practicing awareness of the present and future)
- Breathe awareness meditation (practice on one breathe from slow to deep)
- Body scan or Progressive relaxation (Relaxation scan of the whole body for fit and wellness).
- Zen Meditation (Practiced by Buddhists)
- Transcendental Meditation (Spiritual meditation)
- Kundalini Meditation (Junta Mantra Meditation, generally taught and lead by a teacher)
- Chakra Meditation (Popular I India subcontinent)
- Qigong meditation (a Chinese form of Meditation)
You can find out any kind of Meditation at your choice from the online market, and or learn any one of your choice from any media including social media Facebook, YouTube, etc. and start performing meditation. You can perform Mediation one or two times daily, for any time duration. But If you want to visualize a colorful scenario in front of your eyes, you have to practice meditation regularly. After 30-40 days of regular daily meditation, you could visualize anything only after twenty-five minutes of meditation. So, go on practicing meditation for your own benefit, physical, mental, and as well as spiritual, and more without any side effects.