Sunday, February 28, 2021





We require sunlight to maintain our good health and a sound mind. Vitamin D3 found in sunlight is abundant are useful to us in many ways. But some rays of sunlight also do harm to our eyes. The sunglass if we use can help us protect our eyes from the ill effect of those sun rays.

 Sunbath wearing Sunglasses

Wearing sunglasses have many benefits

  • In general sunglasses protect eyes from dust, sands, fall f small particles in the eyes, causing eye irritation or eye problems, and or from viruses effect. Sunglass act as an eye protector.
  • Sunglasses protect eyes from the sun's UV (Ultraviolet) rays in the day that helps you to develop a cataract. Therefore, we require ultraviolet ray protecting eyeglasses to protect our eyes.
  •  The sunglasses prescribed by an eye specialist helps to normalize our eye visions.
  •  In cold weather, sunglasses help to protect our eyes from being cold, and from direct heating of snowflakes harming eyeballs.
  • The sunglasses that can protect the Ultra Violet blue rays of the Sun can also protect eyes from possible cancer of eyelids, developing Glaucoma, and degeneration.
  • The diver use sunglass for protecting their eyes from touching with harmful creatures of water or ocean.
  • Matching glasses can help a great bit to your personality building, with the expression of decent style and boldness.
  • There are many colors of glasses with different colors of frames and styles are found in the online market.  These beneficial glasses are various in colors, styles, and utilities. These beautiful-looking glasses are also useful, beneficial, and fashionable for everyone. We can also use sunglass for long-distance visioning.
  • We observe many men and women are breathing in sunlight lying on back on the different seashores of the world. They’re wearing different colors, kinds, and values of sunglasses on their eyes to protect their eyes from different crucial effects of sunrays, and Ultra Violet Blue Rays. At the same time, they are filling their body with vitamin D3 directly from sunlight, natural and very effective sources of vitamin D3,

 It is found that Vitamin D3 supplement found in the market is not so workable as natural sunlight source, and is harmful if taken without physician advice.  Remember that along with other essential functions the Vitamin D3 does, vitamin D3 also helps us to shred body fats for becoming fit, feel functions, the sunlight when we gain staining under the shining sunlight also helps us to become energetic and young, beautiful, and fare, happy and healthy again.

Though sunglasses have fewer drawbacks like, eyes can’t be checked by eye specialists everywhere and glasses are also not found everywhere, its benefits are many. At present magnificent, worthy, and beneficial  Sunglasses are found online. You can easily choose one for you from the Online Markets.

 So, be a member of Ultra Violet ray protecting Sunglass to protect eyes and then work, walk, or take a sunbath at any seashore of your choices for your own gain.  

Saturday, February 27, 2021



Gym Exercise

Gym Exercise and Health

Gym Exercise

A gym or gymnasium is a place where different physical exercise equipment is kept for public uses or for the members of the Gym only. The home-based gyms are established for the members of the family only also play an important role in keeping family members healthy in a better to the best position.

Health Benefits of Gym Exercise

  • Regular Gym exercise will help you to lose weight.
  • Burn your fats and give you a healthy body.
  • Regular exercise reduces the risk of a heart attack.
  • Exercises will help you to build your muscles and bones, and also help to make well-build energetic body, that will help you to be happier than before.
  • Regular Gym exercise can improve your mental health giving you maintaining a HAPPIER MOOD ALWAYS.
  • Regular exercise will help you manage your sugar level, thus helping you to control diabetes.
  • Gym exercises will help to sharpen your memory, boosting your learning, thinking, and Judgment capacities.
  • Exercise will also make your lungs healthy.
  • Regular gym exercise will definitely reflect on your total health, physical and mental, conjugal life, in your daily work.

We can’t afford many exercise machines in our home-based Gym. But in a Gymnasium or Gym, where members are allowed to only have many exercise equipment, we can choose any one of our choices and start exercising for getting better and maximum benefits. Further, being a member of a Gym brings social respect. We can meet with co-members socially and communicate with them on any matter for fun or business purposes. There we can spend time happily with them. There is also a possibility to get a new business idea, a new business, or a business partner, that can change your life.

So, it is better to become a local Gym member and observe the bright chances it can make to change anyone’s life.
View Gym Exercises

The Gyms established whether as public, private or for community basis are together playing a vital a role for keeping and maintaining proper health of the society, community as a whole. Many Community and Society based Gym centers are also found doing a good job of maintaining an optimum health level of their members.



Rowing or Boat Driving, Free Image
courtesy google Search

Rowing and Health

Rowing and Boat driving is one of the top-level exercises, we can use to burn fat and lose weight, and for developing and building our body muscles. Thus, rowing alone or in a group can help us to well-build our body, making us fit for any work done.

Rowing and Boat driving has many health benefits.

  • Help to burn the body and belly fat.
  • Improve our health condition, immune system, and oxygen supply in our blood, muscles, and body.
  • While rowing or driving a boat or canoe alone or in a group, we have to scull or break and drive water behind by employing all of our strength using hands, body, and feet to keep upward and continual speed of the boat, or canoe. By doing so, we are also doing exercise of our body and limbs and helping our body to burn fat to get a flat belly and thus lose weight for getting a well build energetic and healthy body.
  • Help exercising every part and bone of the body. So, it improves our health, improves our heart activities.
  • Learn to drive a canoe or boat is easy. So, we can easily learn Boat driving and use it to keep our health calm and stable. Boating also helps us to get relief from arthritis and its growth.
    You can use Ponds, River, seashore, your swimming pool for boat driving and canoeing. As rowing or boat, driving is most beneficial for health wellbeing, and you have no facility to do it, your Local Gym or Gym club may have Rowing Machine. You can easily be a member of the Gym Clubs use the machine and can get the same benefits.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Biking | Burn fat


Burn Fat Lose Weight

In this modern civilized life, most of us are habituated, knowingly or unknowingly, dependent on Junk Fat rich processed foods. These junk foods like Pizzas, Burgers, Hotdogs, and all processed foods are both carbohydrate and fat-rich foods, are not used up properly started to store on arms, organs, inside belly, buttock, thigh, and abdomen. Fats perform the beneficial functions of our hormones and estrogen. It works properly or we can’t shred fats well beneficial as long it is under the range  

These fats when stored alarmingly in the abdomen, we know our abdomen is where our main organs like the liver. Intestine, kidney pancreases are situated, their proper function becomes hampered, making our health weak and troubling some. When we don’t restrain fat gaining, storing in our body organ by any means or process to lose fat, we become fatty and weighty.  When it happens we become prone to many fatal diseases. A fatty man can’t move fast, work, and think as a fatless strong stout healthy man.
There are many ways to melt or Burn fats lose weight and becoming a healthy fit and proud body loved honored by many.

You know our abdomen is a place where our important organs like the liver, intestine, kidney, heart, pancreases are situated. Our health position mostly depends on the proper functioning of these organs.  If for any reason any malfunction occurs at any of these organs we become sick. 

If for any reason stated above, fats started to format on these organs also, many malfunctions and miss-happening start, we may face the risk of stroke, heart disease, kidney problem, diabetes, the disease in the artery, and even risking Cancer

So, to bring us back to normal and healthy again. we should have to do something, curtail some of our likings, and if required to change our style of living.

What we should have to do:

a)      Exercise                          b) Diet Control                  c) Changing own lifestyle

All of these should have to be done to shred extra fats that you gained certainly,  resulting in you facing the present awesome trouble. Now you have caught the culprit and vow to get rid of that. Keep in mind that gaining fats are easy but shredding those fats are a bit difficult and time-consuming.  But also remember that everything possible, if you could build a strong desire to set way all the barricade you find on your way and snatch the victory.

A.      Exercise
Exercise is the number one process to burn extra fats. You can burn fat by Biking, Cycling, or bicycling, Gym Exercises, Boat racing, Football, Badminton, Cricket playing are to be kept at the first stage.


Road Bike and Mountain Bike are the two bicycles chosen by many of the bicyclists of all ages for moving from one place to another, for burning fats, and for Cycle Racing and for recreation.

Advantages of Cycling or Biking

·         Pushing down and Pulling up the Pedals help you to burn fats of the body and thus help you to maintain good health, healthy body, productive and imaginative brain require to think and make clear, progressive and productive plan for a bright future.
·         You can bike on a narrow road or a narrow country or hilly road.
·         Cycling helps to build your muscle and make it flexible, lessens stress, resulting in the proper building of your body, widens your mind-making capacity to think creatively, and also strengthens your immune system. This immune system is crucial for throwing diseases and viruses out of the body.
·         Above all bicycling helps you burn the fats of your body and thus helps you to lose weight. It is assumed that biking an hour can burn 300-400 calories.
·         The Cycling can do two works at a time, as a Vehicle helps to reach the destination saving money, and as one of the exercises materials help you burn fats for making you healthy and fit again.
·         Therefore, your gain much more than you pay for purchasing. So, think if you are overweight and suffering from the troubles of having access to fats, and or need a vehicle for moving a short distance, of buying a Road Bike or Mountain Bike to get the benefit.

Remember that it is better to know from a specialist how many calories you require to burn to get a flat belly but strong and healthy body by biking exercise.  

Friday, February 12, 2021

Kitchen and Health

Kitchen Food and Health


Relation of Nutritious foods and Kitchen

In order to keep and stay healthy, wealthy, and wise in all respects. We require food. Everything before us and surrounding us is not food. Foods are those things surrounding us which have nutritious value, require for our growth, require to maintain it, and aren’t harmful to us.

We can eat some foods, like a few vegetables, fruits raw without cooking. Generally Vegetables, Fishes, are required to be properly processed (scaling, washing, making pieces or slices, etc.) and cooked mixing several spices, proper ingredients for making the food more tasty, delicious, nutritious, and decent. Sometimes special effects, best-looking decoration, the artifact is made on some special food item for marking special events or any festival.

Therefore for doing, making, processing all our food products on different occasions, general or festival we require a good looking decorative kitchen, where all the utensils, accessories, cookeries are kept and displayed nicely and properly. So, that one can find them easier to use.

A well and nicely equipped super looking kitchen should have a good Gas Burner or Electric Stove for cooking, Onion and vegetable cutter, peeler and slicer, Fruits & Vegetables slicer and juicer, the best quality Electric Oven for warming foods before serving, funnel for pouring liquid or oil-like materials from big/large to a small one, corkscrew, a standard Freezer plus a Deep Freezer for storing cooked foods and raw foods for future use. All essential Kitchen Products can now be collected from online shops easily from home at a low price, saving time and money. Therefore, we can safely say that kitchen, food, and health care in this way or that way are interrelated to each other.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

acupressure | Press Acupressure points gain Body Fitness

Acupressure Foot Roller 

Press Acupressure points gain Body Fitness

Acupuncture is an ancient traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that is used for treating diseases serious to normal. Many acupuncture points are spreading throughout our body from hand to feet everywhere. They are generally called acupoints. We know our brain regulates all of our activities. These acupressure points when irritated by any means send a signal to the corresponding section or point of the brain relative to that point through a natural pathway (Meridian line-an imaginary way through which vital life energy flows).


In Acupuncture when these acupoints are irritated by sticking a needle manually or by using an acupressure pen (now used), this irritation of the point send signals by way of Qi (Vital life force energy as believed by Chinese) to its corresponding point in the brain. This Qi (Vital force energy) when reaching the brain also irritates and activates the brain’s point relative to that particular acupoint. This activation repairs the part and it starts normal functioning again. The patient suffering from the disease due to non-functioning or damaging of that point of the brain becomes cured. But to perform an acupuncture treatment by sticking a needle into a specific point requires much skill and enough knowledge.

Acupressure makes the system easy, even a boy with proper knowledge and study can put pressure on acupoint with his thump, first finger, blunt side of a pen, and or a wooden stick and get a similar result. As an alternative medicine Acupressure is using in South East Asia for hundreds of years.  The processes are most easy with no cost and can be practiced or dune by anybody from 10-11 years old.

Acupressure points are located right and left palms and soles of our body.  We know most of our organs and glands are found in the right and left sides of our bodies.

Though there are numerous acupressure points, many points do the same result. For example, the acupressure points found on the palms are similar to the acupressure points of the soles. 

Acupoint Right Hand

Acupoint Left Hand

The rule of thumb is to press on all the acupressure points gently medium to low, not hard, with your thumbs, first finger, and or acupressure sticks, and find out the pain points. Then press on that point from medium to low, not hurting the patient, till the pain of that point disappears, but follow all the instructions given here carefully. Please keep in mind to 1-2 minutes on the pain points intermittently, not continually, Forty to sixty pressing per minute, twice daily, till the pain of those points disappears. When the pain of those points disappears, the diseases related to those points will also disappear.

Hand Roller
Keep Hand Roller between two plums
roll-ups & down to press all acupoints

Table of Acupressure Points with Number and Descriptions






The Main And most sensitive part covered by the skull, regulate, maintain, and perform all the activities of human beings.


Cranial Nerves

Twelve pairs of Cranial Nerves spreading throughout our body, connecting all our organs, limbs, tissues with our brain, for maintaining information and orders to and fro. 


Pituitary Gland

Controls air and space, will power, hearing,  and memory. Rectifies fault of other Glands. Control willing, memory, and judicial power.


Pineal Gland

Control all glands.  Regulates Sodium and Potassium and blood pressure of the body. Control high blood pressure, sexual development, and water level of the body


Head Vessel

Through these vessels, blood flow from head



vessels from nooses, ears, foods, and inhale-exhale connection the point, two glands naming Tonsils also on two sides of the throat.   



A connector of Head with body


Thyroid & Parathyroid Gland

Play role developing child body digests calcium, eliminates poison and toxins control body heat and maintains body health



Made with many Vertebras connecting with each other making our spine, pillar of the body, help us to stand erectly



Excretion point of our stool from the body, when it bleeds at the time of our discharging stool


Prostate Gland

Regulates water element of the body, also regulates nerves, cells, flesh, bones, bone marrow, body fats, body heat, willpower, etc.


Penis/Female organ







Regulates water element of the body, also regulates nerves, cells, flesh, bones, bone marrow, body fats, body heat, willpower, etc.





Lymph Gland

Control immune system, prevent pus formation on cut or boil, clear toxins and dead cells


Hip& Knee

It includes hip. Hip bone, Gluteus, Femur, Hip Joint, Leg, Tibia, and knee



A place where urine stays or stored


Small Intestine

Behind the stomach, a 6-7 miter long narrow coiling pipe through which digestive foods flow to the colon



all large intestine including the sacrum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, colon, rectum, and anus



About four-inch pipe found at sacrum area in between small and large intestine


Gall Bladder

Like guava secretes bile when foods reach the duodenum



A large Gland of our body where most of the chemical reaction take place



The connecting points of our arms with body



Regulate digestion of Sugar and Glucose by creating insulin



Two kidneys found behind the abdomen on two sides of the spine



Its position  is under the diaphragm like about 25 miters`


Adrenal Gland

Control functions of the spleen, liver, and Gall bladder, assist the creation of bile and digestive juices. Regulate fire elements of the body.


Solar Plexus

Controlling center for all the or  organs below the diaphragm



Two lungs, right and left, main parts of our respiratory system, blood are send here from the heart for purification and then sent to heart for redistribution, dune important function 



Ears are our hearing aids. Ears help us with hearing and keeping body balance. 



 Brain and body works together to help our actions properly, foods and water supply, create energy, If required this point activates them 


 Nerves of Ear

 Brain and body works together to help our acts properly, foods and water supply energy, If required this point activates them 



 Help To work on  Cold, create the warmth of the body



 Protects Eyes



 Bring  impure blood  from the body sent it to lungs, Lungs make the bloods pure mix pure oxygen from our inhale air, return it to a section of heart to pump the pure blood again to our body, a job repeated again and again throughout our lif3e cycle.



 Stays under the left diaphragm



Protect the child up to their age of fifteen




 A specialist on Acupressure can easily and exactly the name of disease by pressing on certain Acupressure point or points (one or two points), which a physician can detect after taking patients MRI, Which is costly and time-consuming.

This content is written only for getting information, and knowledge only. If you desire you can use this process along with other medication, exercise, and therapy as prescribed by specialists to keep your valued body healthy, mentally sound, and wealthy in all respects.